There’s a plethora of health advice out there. Do you ever feel like you are drowning in a thousand different food- ideologies?

I get it, mama.

There is no miracle diet. You are all beautifully unique and true healing happens when you can tune in to yourself, and meet yourself exactly where you are. With 1:1 coaching you will first receive an Ayurvedic 5-element assessment, where I will identify the elemental root cause of the health issues at hand, using Ayurvedic diagnostic techniques. Then we begin to integrate a personalized plan to assess the imbalances using food, spices, lifestyle, self-care practices, and cleansing when necessary. Let’s get curious about the root causes of your imbalances, and curate a health plan for you now, that you can always return to in all seasons of life.

Click here to schedule a free 30 minute consutation

Seasonal cleanses

Our detox organs, specifically our liver, are always working to detox our bodies. Every day, sun up to sun down. A seasonal cleanse, however, is a deep clean of your system. Using foods, herbs, and spices targeted toward specific organs we activate them to pull out toxins stored deep in our tissue. Simultaneously we optimize digestion so that these toxins are easily eliminated. Think moving the furniture, scrubbing the floor, taking everything off the shelves, and cleaning the oven. This deep clean is achieved using a specially curated diet based on your body type with potent daily cleansing practices (hint, you can eat real food and lots of ghee). Are you ready to do a deep clean and get r9d of the gunk so you can return to an energetic and radiant you?

Click here to learn more and see my latest offering

Fresh ginger stimulates digestion


Cristina de Ocampo, San Francisco, CA

“I just completed the Spring Ayurvedic Cleanse and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a mind and body reset. I happened to catch a cold at the same time as the cleanse and Leighton was incredibly supportive, guiding me through every step of the way. As someone who went into this with no prior knowledge about Ayurvedic medicine, Leighton never made me feel embarrassed or like I was bothering her with my questions. I left the cleanse feeling more connected to my body and eager to implement some of the practices learned through the cleanse in my daily life. Thank you Leighton!! '“



“Healing is moment-to-moment balance, bringing awareness to our thoughts, feelings and emotions, and how we respond”

Dr. Vasant Lad

your certified guide!

Leighton Murphy
B.S. Soil Science, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach.

As I studied Soil Science in my undergrad, I became deeply fascinated with the wonders of soil microbiology and the symbiosis that occurs where there are plant roots, and organic matter. Our bodies follow similar patterns: healing your soil is like healing your gut.

This interest then deepened as I practiced more deeply the art of fermentation. I continued to follow the path laid out before me and my knowledge of cultivating the microbiome in my own body deepened, through study and experimentation (and of course with the work in my vegetable gardens). Using the food locally available in Patagonia, my home, and the home of my family, I began to build back my severely damaged microbiome. Then feminine-form ayurveda provided me with the tools to delve deeper into healing bodies on an individual level. It gave me to key to understanding how my body is different from another, how it changes with the seasons, with my menstrual cycle, and age. I feel like I am an explorer, exploring the sensationsand symptoms of my body through life- how it responds, what it likes, and what it doesn’t…