Join me, this season for a

Spring cleanse

join me this spring for an ayurvedic Kitchari cleanse

Pulling from the wisdom from the 5,000-year-old science of Ayurveda, practicing a cleanse with the changing seasons is a potent practice to not only reduce the toxic load in our bodies but to effectievly eliminate those toxins to create a clean template for the coming season. Think radiant energy, glowing skin, balanced mood, and improved digestion…

It’s finally that time, for spring cleaning! But this time is for your body, and it’s going to be potent.

This is a 7-day cleanse (+3 days of prep, and 4 days of rejuvenation), a total of 14 days.

What’s included?

  1. A comprehensive 1-hour consultation: Assess your ayurvedic constitution- your dosha, health history, imbalances, and goals with the cleanse.

  2. Live pre-cleanse workshop: A 2-hour workshop via Zoom to learn about why Ayurvedic cleanses work, the in’s and out’s of how to prepare yourself, all of the recipes (soups, bone broth, kitchari, green juices), and the cleansing plan, to get started

  3. Daily support: ask me anything, via email during the cleanse. I will be 100% present for you to discuss your experience, interpret symptoms, and clarify doubts.

  4. Live re-integration call: There is so much you will learn about your bodies as you cleanse, and reintegration is a crucial step to fully reap the benefits of your cleanse. We will discuss your experience but also special techniques to re-kindle your digestive fire after the cleanse, and how to tonify your bodily tissues.

    and, a special extra for this spring season….

  5. Personalized spice blend and ghee! Yep, after your first private consultation, I will formulate a special detoxifying spice blend for your body that you can use throughout the cleanse- as well as a jar of ghee.

Two ways to cleanse this spring

All-inclusive private cleanse — $890

Includes everything listed above- plus all of the deliciously detoxifying meals, juices, and herbs for the cleansing period, as well as the herbs for the preparatory and rejuvenation phases. This is an exclusive offer that will truly allow you to be present for the cleanse, knowing that your meals will all be prepared, and specifically formulated for your body type and cleansing goals- not to mention delivered right to your door step.

Private cleanse — $342

Includes everything listed above! This is an invaluable experience not only to clear out the built-up gunk, but also to truly observe your imbalances, and make peace with them. A cleanse brings up a lot, but coming face to face with these things ultimately leads us to a better understanding of ourselves.

*Discounts are provided for group(s) that wish to coordinate a cleanse together